Who is being protected by the EPA? Although the agency is called the “Environmental Protection Agency,” the political movers and shakers in Washington continue to block its mission. If you doubt my own take on things, check this headline from the December 20th Wall Street Journal: ’EPA Sides With Auto Industry: California Is Blocked From Tightening Caps On Tailpipe Emissions”
According to the article “The Bush administration blocked California's plan to put tighter limits on automobile tailpipe emissions, handing a victory to the auto industry on the same day the president signed an energy bill that mandates the biggest boost in federal fuel-efficiency standards in more than 30 years.” Full text: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119810794061340765.html
The “biggest boost in federal fuel-efficiency standards in more that 30 years.” Well, that’s technically true. But the larger truth is the absurdity of legislation which gives the auto industry twelve more years to create a 10MPG improvement. 35 MPG by 2020? My 2003 Volvo comes close to that. The gutless energy bill taken together with the EPA’s blocking California’s emissions cut plan is a tragic failure of the Federal Government at best, misguided protection of special interests at worst.
In addition to California, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington have already passed tougher emissions rules for cars and Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota and Utah are about to do so. Just how absurd is it that the EPA will now spent time and resources to battle states who have had the foresight to enact more realistic emissions standards.
The Federal government not only has no coherent policy to address environmental issues, it is a major roadblock to much needed progress. Ironically, in attempting to protect the business as usual auto industry, the administration is failing to provide support for the increasing number of corporations who are facing up to the current situation and developing the technologies of the future. Collectively, these corporations understand that in today’s global economy, if corporate America does not lead in the necessary development and innovation, Americans will be buying these products from elsewhere.
For many months now, the central premise of this writer is that there is no coherent leadership at the Federal level. America needs a comprehensive national policy, which recognizes national security, energy independence, and global warming are closely linked issue. Issues which must be urgently and simultaneously addressed.
The stonewalling of the rest of the world at the recent Bali conference on global warming and the EPAs attack on state environmental protection efforts show the truth to be uglier. Unfortunately, it is not only that there is no recognition in Washington of the urgent need to wisely address the closely linked issues of national security, energy independence, and global warming. Currently, short term political considerations, lack of wise consideration of America’s long term interests, pride, greed and ignorance are driving federal policy. The price that every American will have to pay for this folly grows daily.
Once upon a time an America a new President challenged us all to “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” I pray the next President will present us all with the same challenge – and mean it.